The Irish and the Iroquois

02020-10-04 | Uncategorized | 6 comments

I came across this story today and wanted to share it.

Ireland Lacrosse Bows Out Of 2022 World Games So Iroquois Nationals Can Play:

“None of us would be going to Birmingham, Ala., in the first place if it wasn’t for the Iroquois and giving us the gift of their medicine game,” Sonny Campbell, a player for Ireland Lacrosse, tells Morning Edition.

He says the Irish team wanted to do more than make a statement.

So earlier this month, it dropped out of the tournament, allowing the Nationals to take its spot.

“We support them, and if it means we’ll give up our spot, then so be it. But the Iroquois, they need to be there,” Campbell says.

Thompson says the move was unexpected.

“A sense of me felt bad because they’re sort of sacrificing and giving up their opportunity. But a part of me felt like this is the right move, and I do truly believe that,” he says.

Thompson says Ireland’s sacrifice won’t be in vain.

“The Iroquois Nationals are going to put together the best team the world has ever seen, and representing not just the Iroquois Nationals, but Ireland lacrosse also,” Thompson says.


  1. Will

    There is a pretty good documentary on the Iroquois lacrosse team/tradition I watched a couple years back.

    On the bigger topic, it is amazing what great things people/teams will do when they have a shared identity and community (Lacrosse in this instance). I was having this discussion with someone Friday night when reflecting on our current state of America. I threw out the premise that maybe America is too diverse and we have no shared identity or community to rally around. I compared the American identity to the Japanese culture and it was eye opening to my friends.

    At any rate we need more stories of cohesion/empathy/understanding in the world today and this is a great example.

    • ottmar

      This is the American identity:
      “E Pluribus Unum”
      It’s just that some people have sadly chosen to forget that.

      • Will

        The million dollar question is how do we get back to that….what will bring us together instead of dividing.

        • ottmar

          It’s a long list and I could easily write a few pages on the subject… :-)

          • Melissa Madere

            Please do.

  2. y

    recall a favorite irish ad with a fantastic song – Go’head by rockstrong

    Powerful way to get messages across.

    “Lidl- Proudly supporting Ladies Gaelic Football”

    irish are kick ass people ! (orginal name – gaelic)


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