False Ottmars

02020-07-12 | Internet | 14 comments

On Friday I heard about two impersonator accounts on Instagram, who sent direct messages to several followers of my own account, claiming to be stuck in Canada with declining credit cards. The follower let the impostor know that they actually knew me and then warned me via email. I reported the accounts and both of them were deleted for impersonation by Saturday morning. Since then another account surfaced, which I also reported.

I was curious and checked Twitter and also found an impersonator account that had the handle liebertottmar. It was Spanish only and they stopped tweeting in 2012. I reported them anyway.

Later I was sent screenshots of a conversation between Ottmar LIBERT (misspelled last name) and a fan, where the impersonator offered a meet and greet and suggested that the fan should write to his management at ottmarliebert@gmail.com… doubtlessly hoping to charge for the meet and greet in advance. Of course ottmarliebert@gmail.com is a fake account, too.

I do not search for impostors and file reports every day, so I will not know about most of the scams that are going on.

Here is what you need to know:

  1. Check the spelling… my name is Ottmar Liebert. Impostors will often misspell my name in order to obtain an account
  2. I do NOT have a Facebook account. None. I am guessing that there are several impostor accounts on FB.
  3. I have ONE Twitter account and the handle is @ottmarliebert
  4. I have ONE Instagram account and the handle is also @ottmarliebert
  5. I do NOT have a second “Private” Instagram account
  6. I have a Twitch account and there the handle is also @ottmarliebert
  7. If you have any doubt about the authenticity of an account, or suspect an impostor, please leave a comment on this blog or send me an email


  1. JaneParhamKatz

    This is insane! I once had a website and got so many lude invitations and comments, I just shut it down and never exposed myself again. Oh, Ottmar, the burden of fame! It looks like you are on top of things. I love your Diary, and it seems a little less public than FB.

  2. Linda W

    Thanks Ottmar!

  3. Luz Rivera

    I was suspicious from the start when they sent me a request to follow them. I conferred with Linda and yes, a whole a lot of whack a mole!

  4. Marc Reynolds

    Happened to me a few years ago. Mistakenly followed a fake Jesse Cook. The fake messaged me before a Dallas show offering a meet and greet. I figured out then it was a fake and reported it. Twitter deleted the account. Got to be careful on social media.

  5. Denise

    Thanks Ottmar, the impostor also sent me a message on Thursday that said: Hello love, I got attracted by your comments and I really want to appreciate you for being a fan, I hope you are keeping you safe !, and started to Follow me, the account was @private_ottmarliebert. I thought that it cannot be possible I am not an artist, I am not a beautiful miss universe, of course from the beginning I suspected it was false but I followed it to know where they wanted to go with that, so I replied: Ottmar, is it really you? , and he answered: Yes, dear. I was busy so I let the time go by doing my things and waited until the next message to unmask it. So I wrote: I think someone wants to fool me, I do not know who you are but I am sure you are not the real Ottmar, because he only has an official account on Instagram, I wish you good luck. He immediately deleted the account. This is one of the things I love that my boys have never been attracted to social media, they use it a few times a year and they don’t waste time on it. I use facebook to blow my mind and I’m trying to use it less. The reality is that there are people who cannot be honest, who cannot be happy following their own path, who cannot be real

    • ottmar

      Ugh! I don’t address people with “Hello Love” when I haven’t met them before. Come to think of it, I don’t think I have ever said that, unless I was making fun of a British TV show. I am so sorry that this is happening. Facebook is a sewer and the sooner it is regulated the better.

  6. Michelle Achee

    Oh Lordy! Some people can’t get a life! Sorry for your hassel Ottmar, but seems you are on top of it and it’s all you can do. Will be always scrutinizing info with your name involved for sure!

  7. Laurie Urias

    I too, recently received a private message from “Ottmar”. My rule of thumb is, EVERY message that is unsolicited is a scam. So far, I’ve been messaged by Armand Assante, Vin Diesel, and now you!! I feel so special, hahaha. Love your music; been a fan since the 90s!!


    I too, received a few days ago a private message from “private_ottmarliebert” instagram account. I knew it wasn’t you but I decided to play along and try to make it a bit difficult for him/her asking all those questions about when and where you’ve been to Greece, if for a concert or holidays… Finally he didn’t know what to say and he blocked me before i could report him.
    Keep making this fabulous music that literally cannot be faked :)

    • ottmar

      For a while I kept reporting those fake FB pages, but at some point it became clear that it was hopeless. There used to be half a dozen of those accounts, or more, some of them pulling posts and images from this blog.

  9. Nan

    Thank you for the warning.

    I also want to thank you for the years of beautiful music you have given that have blessed so many people, not least my husband and me.

    We saw you years ago at the Crystal Ballroom in Portland. We were 2 rows from the front and felt like we had been invited to share an evening of watching you play for the pure joy of music.
    My husband and I still talk about that evening and how it was the best concert we had ever been to!


  10. Tammy pagano

    Yes my boyfriend and I just moved to sikeston MO from california. We have been to the canyon club twice and just loved you. When i listen to your music I swear there’s a story that goes with it. If only you would come out here and play. My husband and I both have heart problems wherein our late 60 and we will probably never see you live again. Want to wish you the best your music has brought a lot of joy into our lives. Thank you so much


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Concert Dates

Tue, Feb 11 2025 in Solana Beach, CA
@ Belly Up

Thu, Feb 13 2025 in Fontana, CA
@ Stage Red

Sat, Feb 15 2025 in Agoura Hills, CA
@ The Canyon Club

Sun, Feb 16 2025 in Santa Barbara, CA
@ Soho

Mon, Feb 17 2025 in Santa Cruz, CA
@ Rio Theater

Tue, Feb 18 2025 in Oakland, CA
@ Yoshi’s

Wed, Feb 19 2025 in Oakland, CA
@ Yoshi’s


@Mastodon (the Un-Twitter)