Flexible Computer Screens

02009-01-08 | Computer | 0 comments

HP Announces Flexible Computer Screens On the Horizon
Arizona State University’s Flexible Display Center and HP recently announced a prototype of a flexible lightweight computer screen that stands to revolutionize computers and electronic devices. Created in a similar roll-to-roll manufacturing process as thin-film pv, these new computer screens are printed onto plastic sheets that are virtually indestructible, use less energy and are less costly to produce than conventional screens. These new displays could potentially use up to 90% less materials by volume to produce as well.
(Via Inhabitat)

Can wearable computer-screen-shirts be far behind? Instead of t-shirts with printed stupid slogans we might see t-shirts playing lit fart YouTube vids.

But, flexible screens would be very cool! I would like a Furoshiki made from a flexible screen. I would carry stuff in it – books, lunch, whatever – and when the need arose, I could display images from my iPhone-sized computer on the unfolded Furoshiki.

Bruce Sterling was musing about that in 1993…

Gadget Watch: Computer as furoshiki revisited | Beyond the Beyond from Wired.com
This design-concept is getting pretty close to my old favorite idea, the all-fabric computer or “computer as furoshiki.” From an article I published in no less a venue than MONDO 2000, in 1993.


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