Currently reading:
Anathem by Neal Stephenson
I have been a fan of Neal Stephenson’s writing since coming across Snow Crash in 1992. I am really enjoying the new book.
Basho’s Journey – The literary prose of Matsuo Basho
This is a wonderful book. I am researching a long walk (4-5 weeks) for the Fall of 2009 and have always enjoyed Basho’s poetry. I learned that Basho did not actually write Haiku. That term refers to poems written since 1868. Basho wrote (or rather participated in) Renga – classic linked verse. The opening stanza of Renga is called Hokku. It sets the tone of the linked verse and was usually offered by the master. A Hokku has the same 5-7-5 syllabic rhythm as a Haiku.
On Some Faraway Beach – A biography of Brian Eno
Traffic – Why We Drive the Way We Do (and What It Says About Us)