How Hard Could It Be?

02008-07-31 | Funny | 1 comment

How Hard Could It Be?: Good System, Bad System – Starbucks – company culture
Personally, I was so offended by that expediter that I’m now getting my coffee at the Starbucks on 60th Street. The 58th Street branch can take a flying leap for all I care.

1 Comment

  1. steve1

    If you want a REALLY good cup of coffee, with none of the nonsense associated with Starbucks and you happen to be in the Denver/Boulder area, go to Novo Coffee either in Arvada, or at the Denver Art Museum.

    Get the Tawar, or the Worka. They’ll make it on a Clover machine for you …

    While you’re there (Arvada), go next door to the bread company and buy one of their hand made cinnamon rolls. Fresh: made the same day. Organic: No bizzarro chemicals … (BTW … I have zero affiliation with either establishment other than being a compulsive customer of both…)

    “Expediter” indeed … what a bunch of rot… Talk about the worst in corporate culture …


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