
02008-07-04 | Touring | 3 comments

We added a date in Houston to our Touring Schedule. The venue is nothing like the Verizon Center, which we think will be a nice, different experience. The downside is that it will sell out rather quickly.


  1. Rik

    Luz, we got our wish. Now to get tickets(with fingers crossed)

  2. luzr

    @ Rik: Yes, we fanmencos finally got our wish! Hope to see you there. I mangaged to get tiks for the 7:30 show. I would love to attend the 9:30 show as well but given the venue is small I dont want to be greedy and thus hog up space for other fans who may want to experience the concert as well. I had never heard of this venue but anxious to experience such an intimate setting. Ironically, just last week I went ahead and bought tiks for the Austin show, thinking it was unlikely that a Houston show would be added this late. Little did I know! ;-) I am treating friends to both shows who have been dying to see Ottmar live. My co-worker is soooo excited to be attending the Houston show.

  3. Rik

    Ottmar, very excited that there will be a Houston stop. I know you don’t get much involved with the business of tour stops, but I have to wonder if my 2 years of whining in your blog helped us get on the schedule. see this post, Texas in January and this, Summer Tour.


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