Monday Morning

02008-04-14 | Touring | 3 comments

Here and now
Had an interesting lapse of concentration last night. Could not remember which songs I had played already and what I might have talked about… I don’t use a setlist for these solo performances because I prefer to select and switch on the fly, sometimes creating new medleys on the spot, but during the eighth show in four days in the same venue it all started to blend together a bit.

Went for my daily morning visit to Gimme Coffee.


  1. Matt Callahan

    I’m worried you may soon need protection from the “No video on flickr” militia.

  2. AdamSolomon

    So that’s how you picked/made the medleys? Mind you, a few of the medleys the other night were some of my favorite things I’ve ever heard you play live.

  3. ottmar

    Thanks Adam. Yeah, I just mix it up while I am playing. It’s different every night. Sometimes it’s great fun to switch tonality and rhythm and sometimes I prefer to find little interludes or mix up two songs with a similar tempo.


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