Memoirs of Hadrian (2008)

02008-03-12 | Movies, Reading | 1 comment

Memoirs of Hadrian (2008)
In a daring adaptation of Marguerite Yourcenar’s bestseller “Memoirs of Hadrian,” John Boorman recreates…

Daring is right!
Memoirs of Hadrian is one of my favorite books.
The Wikipedia entry mentions both the book and the movie.

1 Comment

  1. Carol

    It’s one of my favorites too. About time I reread it. He was not only a leader but a “real person. The first page leads you on. saying “It’s difficult to remain an emperor in presence of a physician” uh huh
    Much wisdom in it. for instance thus :
    “The founding of libraries was like constructing more public granaries. amassing reserves against a spiritual winter which by certain signs, in spite of myself , I see ahead.”


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