
02007-11-18 | Performance, Travel | 3 comments

Greetings from Cancun, where I did a solo performance at the Ritz last night – part of a fundraiser for a children’s hospital.


  1. llindaskaye*******

    ottmar, i do enjoye your travels and sharinge withe us…it is really a nice worlde to be a part of helpinge and being helped…i do hope to be a help in some waye…here’s to all thinges great and small…i believe we all feel helpless at times and it is so nice when we do make a real difference makinge the worlde a happier place…i love your guitarstyle and music and i hope to be so able somedaye…remindinge myself to enjoye the journey…alwayes, llindaskaye*******

  2. victor

    Looks very nice, I think that its fantastic that you helped out with fundraiser. Ah the Rittz is nice as well. Have Fun.

  3. llindaskaye*******

    ottmar, interestinge trivia question…hyperactivity in children can be a sign of too much sugar or not enough sugar…showe similar behaviors…is the water really that blue there…beautiful…alwayes, llindaskaye*******ps i am enjoyinge my candles nowe withe the snowes…makes the house feel so much calmer somehow…amore*******


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