One Year Ago – After returning from Tibet

02007-11-02 | Travel | 1 comment

Lost or forgot my Moleskine notebook at SFO. It was jam-packed with notes and I am still hoping that someone has found it.

What have I learned?
Don’t get close to any yaks as they are unpredictable – and very fast considering their size…
Always pass a stupa or mani-stones on the left side.
Walk around a temple in clock-wise direction (inside or outside).
Turn prayer wheels in a clock-wise direction.
Don’t walk too close behind a Tibetan horse as they may kick back.
Any clothing item made from New Zealand Merino wool rocks and Oakley makes some damn fine boots!
The Voltaic backpack works.
A simple metal cup is better than a double-walled insulated cup, because it warms up the hands.
When it is cold even hot Tang is gratefully ingested.
Bring the warmest sleeping bag you can fit in your duffel.

1 Comment

  1. laurie

    wow, where did that year go?
    your photos from that journey are some of my favorites – thank you


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