After lunch in town my friend’s vehicle made the attached sound while leaving…
I found a pre-programmed link to the Tagesschau, the eight o’clock German TV news, on my Nokia n95. Since then I have downloaded the program every day. Each day is about 20MB in size. The phone downloads the program in the background and the image quality is excellent. The evening news become available at about one or two PM here in the States, meaning the German TV station ARD releases it on the net about an hour after running it. They actually present news and don’t cover Paris Hilton or anything like that. Simple news, dry, no big dramatization of issues. Did I mention it is free and you are not stuck in front of a TV?
It’s too bad I don’t remember much from my German class in high school. I do remember our teacher telling us that Kennedy in fact called himself a jelly donut.
it is good you have found that…
here is something else for your viewing pleasure
i thought you might enjoy what he talks about…