Guitar Cases

02006-09-01 | Guitar, Travel | 0 comments

From an email:
I noticed you switched to Accord guitar cases. I was thinking of buying a Calton. Are accord cases superior to Calton? Do you think a Calton case would suit most of my needs since I don’t travel nearly as much as you do.

I covered most of this a little while ago. I think a Calton case might actually protect a guitar about the same or a little better than an Accord case, but the Accord weighs half as much and is much smaller. The Accord case also costs about twice as much and you have to wait months for them to make it in Croatia. If you don’t travel much and you don’t lug your guitar all over town, the Calton case will serve you just fine. If you are gigging weekly, the light weight of the Accord might be tempting.

Both Calton and Accord offer two kinds of cases. Accord calls theirs Ultralight (3 kg/6.6 lbs) and Flight (4 kg/8.8 lbs) and Calton calls theirs Standard (6 kg/13 lbs) and Deluxe (7 kg/15 lbs). Since I travel quite a bit, all my Calton cases are Deluxe and my Accord case is Flight. I suggest getting a case cover for whichever case you end up choosing. You can get those from Colorado Case Company or from Small Dog Case Company. Hope that helps.



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