Quiet Sounds

02024-10-12 | Uncategorized

When the war came along, I decided to use only quiet sounds. There seemed to be no truth, no good, in anything big in society. But quiet sounds were like loneliness, or love, or friendship.

— John Cage

This quote resonates with me. When times are loud and big we need to create soft and small.

These days a ton of ambient and drone music is released. That’s great but some of it sounds like the sound of a refrigerator put through a granular synth, with lots of delay added. I think there is room for a melodic sort of ambient sound, by which I mean slow and contemplative music, which I think what happened with the one guitar two – Big Cave Versions. (LINK to a list of one of the pieces)

Now I would like to pare that down even more… Either the next album will be very quiet or upbeat or perhaps a surprise mix of the two that resembles a journey.




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