Star Hail Full

02022-11-14 | Uncategorized | 1 comment

The German word “Stern” means “star”.

The German word “Hagel” means “hail”.

The German word “voll” means “full”.

The German word “sternhagelvoll” does NOT mean “starhailfull”.

It means “completely drunk”.

From Mastodon user Jens Clasen

I also never realized how crucially important context is in German. Take these sentences for example — they sound the same but have different meanings.

Er ist wild = He is wild
Er isst Wild = He eats venison

Gelehrte konnten = scholars were able to
geleerte Konten = cleared accounts

Hasst du die Urzeit? = Do you hate primeval times?
Hast du die Uhrzeit? = Have you got the time?

schlechter Rasen = bad lawn
Schlächter rasen = butchers speed

Die Küste fiel = The shoreline fell
Die küsste viel = She kissed a lot

Er ist wieder willig = He’s willing again
Er ist widerwillig = He’s reluctant

1 Comment

  1. JaneParham

    Fascinating. This must have an effect on the Germans’ grasp of complexity.


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