Thursday in Las Vegas

02010-07-09 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Changed the set list for Tucson last night and especially the second half seemed to flow better. Hot again, about thirty degrees warmer than San Francisco on Monday. Added a few photos to the Photoblog.

I could not resist this quote, because I think it fits the theme of the last couple of weeks. Jaron Lanier and Internet/Copyright/Culture, Trent Raznor on Social Networking, Music vs Midi or other computer grids, drawing by hand vs computer, and so on:

Core77 speaks with Jonathan Ive on the design of the iPhone 4
The best design explicitly acknowledges that you cannot disconnect the form from the material–the material informs the form,” says Ive. “It is the polar opposite of working virtually in CAD to create an arbitrary form that you then render as a particular material, annotating a part and saying ‘that’s wood’ and so on. Because when an object’s materials, the materials’ processes and the form are all perfectly aligned, that object has a very real resonance on lots of levels. People recognize that object as authentic and real in a very particular way.

Read the whole piece here. You will find more gems there.

David Byrne writes about his perfect city for Wall Street Journal Online. Excellent thoughts! I agree. I hope many city planners read the article and think long and hard about it. I am currently in one of the most human-scaled cities in the USA, but San Francisco is the exception, not the rule.

Check out Matt’s Flickr for tour pics.


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