The first thought was about how the medium changes the artist’s approach completely:
The nice thing about a digital medium, whether it’s photography or music, is that one can always go back to the last saved version, and there are multiple undo choices… But it can also feel too safe compared to painting – one is maybe not as commited as a painter has to be. Yet it is also true that one may be willing to take great leaps exactly because one is confident that one can return. (((so, what am I really saying?)))
And, unrelated, this came up in conversation:
coffee by the cup versus free refills
all you can eat saladbar versus order from the menu
unlimited mobile calls versus pay for usage
unlimited internet versus pay for usage
hotel room versus basic room + electricity usage + water usage + heat usage
It seems to me that the pay per unit approach is more sustainable. I certainly would prefer to pay per unit. I don’t like buffets, I don’t like all-you-can-eat restaurants. I would rather pay for the electricity and water I use in a hotel room. I don’t take 30 or 60 minute showers. I don’t leave lights and TV on when I leave a hotel room for dinner. I think pay per unit makes more sense than all you can consume – certainly when we look at the big picture. I remember working as a dishwasher in a restaurant in Cambridge in 1979, an all you can eat salad-bar actually. Unbelievable, how much food customers would pile on their plates AND how much they would leave behind to be thrown away. We cannot afford to act like that any longer. Use what you need, pay for what you use.