Welcome to OLnet, the future site of what will hopefully be the best, most interesting, most unique Ottmar Liebert fansite on the WWW. This site is funded for, built, and maintained by Ottmar Liebert’s Fanmencos, who can be found for the time being at www.ottmarliebert.tk. We will be officially launching very soon.
You got my blessing Adam, Michael et al.
With some images from the 1993 Snakecharmer video. Maybe you will be able to see the whole video there eventually…
Adam and all the OLNet crew,
Haven’t been up on OL’s diary as much these days, my work has blocked his website! I guess too many people were viewing it on company time. *lol*
Congrats on putting up the OLNet site. I’ll try to donate something soon.
Thanks OL. We will certainly have the snakecharmer Video for fans to download. And hopefully they will get to see you doing those “Early morning” interviews 14+ years ago too. I have a few of those video’s ready to be shared with your fans. So far we have a couple volunteers ready to translate portions of the website into 3+ languages….And yes German is one of them. :-)
David Jr,
Thanks hope to see you soon with other fans.